The regular monthly meeting will be held Monday February 17, 2025 at the Franklinville Fire Station, 181 Swedesboro Road at 7:30 pm. The Annual Election will be held at the Fire Station 181 Swedesboro Road on Saturday February 15th from 2:00 pm until 9:00 pm.
Day to day supervision contact: Craig Weidner, Chairman.The Board of Fire Commissioners provides fire protection, fire prevention, and emergency response services to all citizens and property located in Franklin Township Fire District Number One. We provide the residents of Franklin Township with the highest quality of service possible, consistent with the prudent utilization of public funds. We are dedicated to respect, integrity, leadership, and accountability for and among ourselves to insure that our volunteer firefighters are properly trained and equipped to serve our community.
Board of Fire Commissioners
P.O. Box 423
Franklinville, NJ 08322
856-694-0826 (voice)
856-694-0337 (fax)
Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30pm at the Franklinville Fire Station located at 181 Swedesboro Road in Franklinville, New Jersey. Get Directions
attorneys, advisors, consultants, and any other parties that receive $17,500 or more during the fiscal year for any service rendered to the fire district (does not include LOSAP)
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